"In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks" John Muir
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Gathering of the Limber Pine Cones of Old Growth Trees
assembled on a board 24 x 36 inches
Pine Cones are an extrememly important food in the forest community, the seeds and opportunity for regrowth A forest fire is the turning point in that process in the renewal process. Fire is devistating, trees takea long time, 40 + years, to begin to replace an old growth forest in Wyoming. When you see a burned forest, unless you are very young, you may never see it as a green mature forest again. |

Sierra Jeffery Pine Needles in Three Bunches for good luck.
assembled on a board 11 1/2 x 18 inches
Fresh Water Mussels, Mountain Snails, Limber Pine Needlesa and Creek Sand
assembled on canvas 12 x 22 inches
Serviceberry Twigs
assembled on a board 8 x 10 inches
The form of the twigs is often hidden in the underbrush of the environment, the buds and bends are so elequant .

Sierra Jeffery Pine Needles in Script needles and linseed oil
assembled on a board 36 x 48 inches
These long needles are flamboyant and gestural, a piece of music.

Sierra Jeffery Pine Needle scattered au naturel
assembled on canvas 20 x 40 inches
Reminiscent of the forest floor on the Eastern side of the Sierra Mtns of California and the foothills in Nevada. I was amazed by the size of the needles and how they display such grace.

Art Tools ~ 3 Brushes
assembled on canvas 11 x 14 inches
Well used tools, for the ritual or artmaking, a renewed life.
Information Field, found in a Field of Sagebrush
assembled on canvas 5- 10 x 8 - 40 x 10 inches
Ritual of preserving privacy, and putting something to rest, but maybe not.
I found these fragments of vintage floppy disks in a campfire ring, burned to a crisp, in a remote mountain meadow of Wyoming. Someone spent time camping and insinerting their personal information. It could have been a financial, photos, the written word, anything a computer could digest. The ending became a new beginning when I found and gathered them, adhered them to canvas with linseed oil and painted them black to signify the beginning of the end the knowledge they once held. see detail below


Pellet Field
assembled on canvas 11 x 14
From a bag of found pellets, unused and forgotton. Perfect for a renewed use.